Background to the Study
Globally, educational systems are under great pressure. It needs to adopt innovative methodologies and to integrate New Information and Communication Technologies (NICTs) in the teaching and learning process. So as to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed in this 21st century (Kaint, 2009). Visual projection method of instruction is essential for teaching and learning of practical electronics works in this 21st century. This visual projection method of instruction for teaching and learning of practical electronics works in a new innovation. Practical electronics works (PEW) is one of the course areas in Vocational Technical Education and Training (VTET). The course is offered at the senior levels National technical certificate I –III (NTC I - III) in technical colleges in Nigerian education system. The course has both the potential for sustainable technological and economic growth of any country that has made serious efforts in planning, delivering and enhancing learners’ potentials in the course (Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN), 2013). Okoye and Achigbo (2010) observed that practical electronics works is one of the subjects considered very vital in achieving global economic goals. According to them, the subject has both the potential for sustainable technological growth and inherent advantage to other engineering and technological areas. This demands that practical electronics works study should be handled with care, renewed commitment and increased resources. Johassen (2008) stressed that 1 2 practical electronics works as a course of study, is the skill and knowledge needed by all citizens to thrive and survive in a society that is dependent on technology for handling information and solving complex problems. Despite the numerous benefits accruable through the course, the National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) Chief Examiner’s annual report shows that the trend in students’ achievements in practical electronics works is not encouraging when compared with other related options in vocational and technical education courses. For example, out of 1752 students enrolled in practical electronics works for the period of 2004- 2013 (10 years), 619 or 38.4 percent of the students obtained the required grade that can offer them admission into higher institution while 1133 students or 61.6 percent failed the examination and as such can not secure admission into higher institution. This shows that fewer than expected number of students passed the course in the National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) and internal examination in practical electronics works (see, Appendix A, p.131). The question now is; are instructional methods used for teaching the students responsible for this low level of achievement in practical electronics works?
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